Homework 6 - Escape Room

From now on, we’ll assume that you work on homework by connecting to the CS portal and that you are familiar with the command line environment. If you have not been practicing with the terminal, we strongly encourage reviewing Lab 1.

We will also assume that you ran the setup script from that lab and have all modules (including clang and git) by default.

Work alone

Do not share solutions for your escape room or parts thereof with students or any other non-course-staff person.

You may discuss strategies and code patterns, but not specifics.

Looking up Assembly Instructions:

Here is document that list the x86 instruction AT&T Syntax Reference

Here is a great reference for encodings

Task and Grading

You’ll use the same escape room you did for the lab. If you worked with someone else in lab, you can get your own escape room by running the script from lab on your own.

Credit will be awarded as follows:

Grade Criteria
80% 2 puzzles solved
95% 3 puzzles solved
98% 4 puzzles solved
+1% each additional puzzle solved
(including extra credit if you solve more than 6 puzzles)

If you have more than 20 flags overall, we will remove points.

There is no submission needed besides running the escape room and typing the correct inputs, which will update the scoreboard which will be used to populate the gradebook after the homework closes.

Copyright © 2023 Daniel Graham, John Hott and Luther Tychonievich.
Released under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Creative Commons License